Clean up your dietary strategies to prevent and lessen the severity of the condition called leaky gut syndrome. Increased Intestinal Permeability AKA Intestinal Hyperpermeability is nicknamed Leaky Gut Syndrome. This controversial syndrome is theorized to be the source of a wide array of health issues.
Leaky Gut Syndrome occurs when the gut wall allows larger than normal particles to pass into the blood stream. A healthy intestinal lining is normally impermeable to large molecules. Once a food particle is broken down into a tiny particle it can pass through the gut wall. When the gut wall is damaged, larger molecules may “leak out” into the bloodstream. These molecules may include undigested food particles, bacteria, toxins and waste not usually absorbed into the bloodstream.
These larger molecules begin circulating through the bloodstream. The immune system reacts to the presence of these molecules by initiating an inflammatory reaction that leads to antibody production. The immune system sees these unfamiliar molecules as invaders and attacks them.
This immune response increases systemic, or whole body, inflammation. This leaky gut induced immune response and increased inflammation is theorized to be the source of numerous health conditions.
These health issues include allergies, food allergies, asthma, Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, migraine headaches, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, eczema and acne. In many of these disorders the existence of leaky gut syndrome is disputed as being a source of the condition or a symptom of it.
Symptoms of leaky gut syndrome are believed to be wide and numerous. Symptoms related to leaky gut syndrome may include abdominal bloating, gas, stomach cramps, poor digestion, heartburn, fatigue, abdominal pain and skin rashes.
The theory of how leaky gut syndrome causes autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis involves a process called molecular mimicry. When leaky gut syndrome is present, particles that should stay in the gut and be eliminated leak through the gut wall and enter the bloodstream. The immune system does its job by viewing these unfamiliar particles as invaders and forming antibodies to destroy them.
These antibodies attack the misplaced particles. Molecular mimicry occurs when the particles that have leaked through the gut wall closely resemble healthy molecules in the body. The immune system’s antibodies attack the invading particles that leaked through the gut and attack the body’s molecules that closely resemble them.
The theory of molecular mimicry may or may not prove to be the source of autoimmune disease but there is no doubt that improving nutritional strategies and strengthening the gut lining helps those diagnosed with autoimmune disorders better manage their symptoms.
Many factors can contribute to the development of increased intestinal permeability. Factors such as genetics, deficient amount of stomach acid, excessive alcohol consumption, allergies, poor diet, systemic yeast infection, fungal infections, parasites, imbalance of gut flora and over use of antibiotics.
Improving dietary strategies can help to prevent and manage the intensity of symptoms associated with leaky gut syndrome.
The first step in improving dietary strategies is to eliminate the intake of all foods that trigger allergic reactions. Common food allergies include dairy, shell fish and gluten. Self testing is simple and easy. You can use a dietary journal, the Pulse Test and elimination self-testing. Professional medical testing helps confirm suspected food allergies.
Eliminate or reduce your intake of alcohol and antibiotics to protect the gut wall. Take prebiotics and probiotics to help restore the proper balance of bacteria in your digestive system. Ingest digestive enzymes to improve breakdown of food and lessen the impact of food intolerances.
Increase your intake of fiber to aid elimination. Roughage moves food through the gut at a faster pace and improves digestive system health.
Drink plenty of healthy water. Avoid dehydration and flush toxins by having at least eight glasses of water a day. Decrease your intake of simple sugars and increase your intake of fruits and vegetables.
Add these easy to implement dietary strategies to your basic nutritional guidelines to help prevent and manage leaky gut syndrome. Increasing the health of your digestive system through the employment of nutritional strategies that work for you will improve your overall health and may help to prevent a life altering disease.
Dr Donald A Ozello DC of Championship Chiropractic in Las Vegas, NV
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