Neck Strengthening Exercises

Develop powerful neck muscles with manual and banded cervical spine strengthening exercises. Strengthen the cervical paraspinals, trapezius, levator scapula, scalenes, sternocleidomastoids and deep cervical flexors. The cervical spine is medical terminology for the neck. Strong cervical spine muscles may help decrease the risk of concussions and post-concussion syndrome. Perform each exercise slowly through … Read the rest

Neck Strengthening Exercises with a Harness and Weight Plate

Build powerful neck muscles with a head harness and weight plates. These are advanced exercises that should be used by intermediate and advanced level trainees. Begin with manual cervical spine strengthening exercises, gradually increase the intensity with banded cervical spine strengthening exercises then advance to neck strengthening exercises with a head harness and weight plates.Read the rest

Five Resistance Band Exercises for Neck Strength

Increase neck strength with banded cervical spine strengthening exercises. Banded exercises provide resistance through the entire range of motion. Develop proportional neck strength by strengthening the sternocleidomastoids, scalenes, levator scapula, trapezius, deep cervical flexors and cervical paraspinals. The cervical spine is medical name for the neck. Strong cervical spine muscles may help decrease the … Read the rest

Three Manual Neck Strengthening Exercises

Build a strong neck with these three manual exercises that do not require equipment. Strengthen the deep cervical flexors, trapezius, levator scapula, scalenes and sternocleidomastoids. Neck strength is important in all sports, in blue collar and white collar occupations and activities of daily living. The neck is named the cervical spine in medical terminology. Possessing … Read the rest

Dumbbell Training

Utilize dumbbells to increase muscle size, muscle tone, strength and anaerobic fitness. Dumbbells are an exercise tool used by themselves or in conjunction with barbells, kettlebells, fitballs, exercise machines and resistance bands. Dumbbells are versatile and work the muscles in all three planes of motion. Dumbbell training isolates the primary working muscles while recruiting … Read the rest

Neck Health

Build lifelong neck health with exercise and proper positioning. Neck strength, flexibility, stamina and motion are vital for proper upper body posture and motion.

Neck pain is performance limiting and troublesome at every age and profession. Serious neck injuries have the potential to be debilitating and career ending for athletes and non-athletes.

Anatomy: In medical … Read the rest

Neck Pain

Neck Pain (Chapter 27 of Running: Maximize Performance & Minimize Injuries by Dr Donald A Ozello DC)

Prevent neck pain while running to increase performance. Incorporate several simple guidelines to prevent the occurrence or worsening of neck pain when running. Injury prevention is easier, faster and less expensive than injury rehabilitation. Neck pain is more … Read the rest

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